To reach your financial goals and dreams, you must make your asset work for you. We offer some investment plans with different features to help you achieve your financial goals.


Account with a total investment $27

  • Procesor

    intel core i5-8500

  • GPU

    GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

  • RAM

    16 GB DDR4

  • Disk

    128 GB SSD

  • Bandwidth

    1 Gbps / 1 TB

  • Binance Pay

    Withdraw funds straight from your Minerflick Wallet to your Binance wallet.


Account with a total investment $52

  • Processor

    Intel Core i7-8700

  • GPU

    Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti

  • RAM

    32 GB DDR4

  • Disk

    240 GB SSD

  • Bandwidth

    1 Gbps / 20 TB

  • Binance Pay

    Withdraw funds straight from your Minerflick Wallet to your Binance wallet.


Account with a total investment $102

  • Processor

    Intel Core i5-12400F

  • GPU

    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060

  • RAM

    16 GB DDR4

  • Disk

    500 GB NVMe

  • Bandwidth

    1 Gbps / 1 TB (incl.)

  • Binance Pay

    Withdraw funds straight from your Minerflick Wallet to your Binance wallet.

Frequently asked questions

Minerflick is a Poland based tech start-up specialized in selling mining hardware and offering mining equipment hosting at very competitive prices to help bring Cryptocurrency access to the mainstream.

Our executive leadership team operates with a level of trust, respect, and dignity which builds confidence, cooperation, and contribution throughout our entire organization. Our service makes mining Dogecoin accessible to everyone. No longer is it required to buy expensive equipment and waste your time on setting it up. Simply select package, distribute your hashpower and start your mining operation!
We have services with superior quality, diversifying entry to mining, advanced techniques in our data center, and favorable pricing. We are trusted by our clients and have a reputation for the best services within the Dogecoin Mining field.

You can go to the homepage and click on the “Start Mining” link to start your journey as a miner.

All mined Dogecoin are distributed directly into your Binance Wallet.

The passwords may be reset from the login screen. For security purposes, requests to change emails or reset passwords must come from the Account Owner directly.If you are requesting on someone’s behalf, they must be cc’ed and be able to respond directly to confirmation.

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