Create and grow sustainable value for our stakeholders through the application of best practices in mining and our commitment on protecting the health and wellbeing of our employees and the environment in the communities where we work.

£10,000,000 +

Our clients have earned over 10 million dollars


MinerFlick is one of the leading hashpower providers in the world, offering cryptocurrency mining capacities in every range - for newcomers, interested home miners, as well as large scale investors. Our mission is to make acquiring cryptocurrencies easy and fast for everyone.


To be a recognized gold mining company focused on growing sustainable production, delivering on our commitments for excellence and valuing and developing our employees.


We provide a multi-algorithm, multi-coin cloud mining service using the latest technology - without any pool fees. The ultimate goal of our existence is to make cryptocurrency mining an easy, smart and rewarding experience for all. Our services already attracted more than 2.000.000 people - We’d be happy to serve you as well!

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